Pilgrimage for Restoration 2024

Where does the event happen? from the Lake of the Blessed Sacrament, Lake George Village, NY
to the Shrine of Our Lady’s Martyrs of New France, Auriesville, NY

When does the event happen?
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Full pilgrimage

All three days of the pilgrimage.

Full pilgrimage (group discount)

Choose this option if you have 3 or more people registering, for a group discount. (Additional children under 13 can be added for free with this bundle when checking out.)

minimum amount to order: 3

Original price: $175.00 New price: $85.00

Full pilgrimage (individual)

Original price: $175.00 New price: $120.00

Thursday night accomodations

Choose one of these options to camp overnight in Wood Park, nearest location to the Mass-site and step-off area Friday morning.

Thursday night camp-site (individual)


Thursday night camp-site (group/family)


Sunday only

Register only for Sunday's events, without the rest of the pilgrimage.

Sunday only
