Eight months

That’s right. 224 days.

Saint Isaac Jogues Mass

Today marks eight months until step-off, on the 19th annual Pilgrimage for Restoration A.D. 2014: Fri-Sun, Sept 19-21.

To early to get ready?

Hardly. Hardly enough time to pray to be prepared, to ask God to prepare your heart to receive, when the time comes, the grace of pilgrimage he wishes to grant you.

Just enough time to request the days off from work.

Barely enough time to save up to afford to bring one or more members of the family. (Why not put away $5 week to that end, starting now? By September 19 you will have saved the registration fee for two.)

Now’s the time to decide.

But if the final decision has to wait till later, while you arrange things, why not PRE-register?

Are three days out of the question this year? Join fellow pilgrims en route, Sunday-only. See this page for details and to register for Sunday.

The 19th annual Pilgrimage for Restoration is scheduled for Friday-Sunday, September 19-21.

Check the blog & website for updates. Will you participate in 2014?

Don’t lose the grace of pilgrimage! PRE-register today for next fall. (It’s quick, painless and there are no obligations.)


Pilgrimage for Restoration
Come to restore. The rest will come.

19th Annual Pilgrimage for Restoration

Pilgrimage Banner

Friday – Sunday
September 19-21, 2014

Now is the acceptable time.

Jump-start your plans, even if you are not sure you can make it to Auriesville. PRE-register. It’s simple, easy & there are no strings attached: you are left free to decide later whether you can make it or not.

You can also make pilgrimage from afar, from home or parish: obtain a plenary indulgence, sponsor a pilgrim (or two), request prayers or offer them — all from this page.

Listen to and learn the Songs of Pilgrimage!

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