Watch: Students on Pilgrimage

What is it like to be on traditional, walking pilgrimage for three whole days? Student pilgrims from Thomas More College of Liberal Arts share their experience in the video below.

The 29th annual Pilgrimage for Restoration is scheduled to take place Friday-Sunday, 27 – 29 September 2024 A.D.

Pre-register or register for the 2024 Pilgrimage for Restoration today.

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Visit the website, or the Facebook group or Facebook page.

‘Something for everybody’ to participate in 2024!

Download the pilgrims’ daily prayer, composed by St. Nicholas of Flüe

“Pray without ceasing.” It’s never too early to join fellow pilgrims in prayer. To make it easier to remember and recite the short prayer each day, every pilgrim is asked to print it out, post it to the refrigerator in the kitchen, leave it at one’s night table next to the bed, tape it to the mirror in the bathroom … Ok, you get the idea.

So, Read More

Online registration is CLOSED. Walk-on registration for all three days of pilgrimage is OPEN at check-in, Thursday afternoon. – Pilgrimage 2023

Online registration for the full pilgrimage closed Monday night, 25 September, at 12:59PM EDT.

But ‘walk-on’ registrations will be accepted on site at check-in, Thursday afternoon.

Print, fill out, and bring this one-page registration form, with cash or check to remit the registration fee, Thursday afternoon.

See the FAQs on this blog for all other instructions.

Blessed pilgrimage!

Question #5 – “What’s this I heard about ‘check-in’ Thursday evening & rendezvous Friday morning?” 2023

That’s right. Every pilgrim without exception must check-in upon arrival at Wood Park, Thursday between 4:30 to 10:30.

Click here to learn how to check-in, stress-free.

Click here to learn how to arrive at the check-in location Thursday after noon.

For those pilgrims ONLY who arrive after 10:30 Thursday night, there is an alternate check-in Friday morning at 6:00am at Wood Park. This alternate check-in is NOT AN OPTION for pilgrims. It is a last resort, after all personal plans and efforts to arrive before 10:30 Thursday evening have fallen through.

Every pilgrim, without exception, must report to Read More