Will you let yourself be drawn after Him?, as the ‘men in white’ might ask, were they to appear suddenly to you nowadays, as to the disciples back then:
‘Men [including women, for the less ontologically inclined] of North America, why stand you looking up to heaven? This Jesus who is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come, as you have seen him going into heaven. Should you not rather return to Ossernenon [aka Auriesville] from the Lake that is called Blessed Sacrament, which is nigh Lake George Village, within a three-day’s journey?’ (adapted – the writer hopes obviously – from Acts of the Apostles, i:11-12)
Imagine, if you can, dawn’s early light over the crystal clear waters of the Lake of the Blessed Sacrament, just to the East of the monument to St. Isaac Jogues, under which pilgrims pray the first Mass, kneeling humbly in the morning dew.
In other words, look for Christ in the East, coming again on altar or on clouds.
And look for more ‘heavenly’ reasons to make pilgrimage, in posts to follow.