As every pilgrim has surely noticed … just a minute into step-off … the Pilgrimage is a prayerful, musical event.
The pilgrimage’s traditional hymns & Mass of the Blessed Virgin are available on CD.
The songs are sung a capella (that is, without instrumental accompaniment), so you and your family & friends can learn by singing along.
Click here to download sample MP3s of the songs & hymns, gratis.
Click here to order your copy of these beautiful and inspiring hymns.
Click here to order the companion Pilgrims’ Handbook, over 20 pages of lyrics to follow along — and pages of traditional prayers of pilgrimage.
Register today to sing & pray on pilgrimage yourself!
Hymns, songs and story on the official Pilgrimage for Restoration recording – on CD
- Martyrs’ Story
- Crown Him with Many Crowns
- Immaculate Mary
- Faith of Our Fathers
- Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above
- For All the Saints
- Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
- Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
- To Jesus Christ, Our Sov’reign King
- Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest
- Kyrie
- Gloria
- Sanctus
- Agnus Dei
- Credo
- Pater Noster
- O Sacred Head Surrounded
- Soul of My Savior
- Ave Verum Corpus
- Panis Angelicus
- Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
- Adoramus te Christe
- O Lord, I Am Not Worthy
- O Sanctissima, O Piisima
- Adoro te Devote
- Pange Lingua
- O Salutaris Hostia
- Veni Creator Spiritus
- A Huron Carol
- Ave Maria (Schubert)
- Ave Maria (Chartres)
- Sing Praise to Our Creator
- Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
- Salve Regina
- O Sacred Head Surrounded (reprise)
- Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
Click here to order the companion Pilgrims’ Handbook, over 20 pages of lyrics and prayers of pilgrimage.
Register today to sing & pray on pilgrimage yourself
24th annual
Friday – Sunday
September 27-29, 2019 A.D.
“Nobody makes pilgrimage alone.”
“In unione orationum.”
“Now is the acceptable time.”
Ad majorem Dei gloriam.”
Now is the time to register to pilgrimage to Auriesville. Register on this page. It’s simple and easy.
You can also make pilgrimage from afar, from home or parish: obtain a plenary indulgence, sponsor a pilgrim (or two), request prayers or offer them — all from this page.
Listen to and learn the Songs of Pilgrimage!