One of the 12 days of Christmas in summertime – Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, purer than the driven snow

Wish to save your soul on pilgrimage and spare some cash registering for it?

Then today, August 22, the feast of Our Blessed Lady’s all-Immaculate Heart, is your lucky day.

Save $50 EACH when you and two other friends register and remit the fee via PayPal on her feast.

Save even MORE when you register with two family members, or with two fellow students.

See this page for the remaining days we call “Christmas in summertime”, as well as for conditions to obtain the discounts.

The discounted rates themselves are found on this page.

23rd annual

Pilgrimage Banner

Friday – Sunday
28-30 September 2018 A.D.

Come to restore. The rest will come.
“Now is the acceptable time.”

Jump-start your plans, even if you are not sure you can make it to Auriesville. PRE-register. It’s simple, easy & there are no strings attached: you are left free to decide later whether you can make it or not.

You can also make pilgrimage from afar, from home or parish: obtain a plenary indulgence, sponsor a pilgrim (or two), request prayers or offer them — all from this page.

Listen to and learn the Songs of Pilgrimage!

“No one makes pilgrimage alone.”
Oremus pro invicem.
In unione orationum.
Ad majoram Dei gloriam.

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