ATTENTION CAMPERS! – Instructions for staying at Lake George Battleground Campground Thursday night

Not everyone overnights Thursday at the same accommodations, but IF YOU ARE STAYING THURSDAY NIGHT at the Lake George BATTLEGROUND CAMPGROUND it is best to pre-book/to reserve your stay there.

(Campers who stay at the Battleground Campground Thursday must pay their own way to overnight there. The pilgrimage does not begin until Friday morning.)

Click here, to reserve your camp site.

You may also pay the camping fee there in person, at the entrance to to the Battleground Campground.

Upwards of six campers may overnight per site, and split the site fee.

The pilgrimage does not begin until Friday morning. Every camper who overnights at the Battleground Campground is responsible to pay the fee to the campground authorities, and to comport himself peaceably and with every respect to the law, to good order, to public authorities and all others who visit the place.

Ask in her holy Name today, and it will be given you and pilgrim-friends

Church of the Holy Name of Mary, Rome.
Ask a gift of Our Blessed and all-Immaculate Lady, St. Mary the Mother of God, whose feast – her holy Name – we celebrate today, September 12. And her pilgrim-friends (and yours) will be given a deep discount on the registration fee in exchange.

Thanks to your Mother, in other words, you don’t have to miss the pilgrimage because you were ‘a day late and a few dollars short’ (again?) this year.

Besides ‘alms for palms‘ to sponsor you, the organizers’ policy is that Read More

Your gift on her birthday? – Nativity of Our Blessed Lady

Nativity of Blessed Virgin MaryYou bet’cha. Today’s your lucky day.

You can thank Our Blessed and all-Immaculate Lady, St. Mary the Mother of God, whose feast – her holy Nativity – we celebrate today. September 8.

Thanks to your Mother, in other words, you don’t have to miss the pilgrimage because you were ‘a day late and a few dollars short’ (again?) this year.

Besides ‘alms for palms‘ to sponsor you, Read More

One of the 12 days of Christmas in summertime – Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, purer than the driven snow

Wish to save your soul on pilgrimage and spare some cash registering for it?

Then today, August 22, the feast of Our Blessed Lady’s all-Immaculate Heart, is your lucky day.

Save $50 EACH when you and two other friends register and remit the fee via PayPal on her feast.

Save even MORE when you register with Read More

Three days of back-to-back discounts – thanks to The Blessed Virgin Mary and her holy Father

Today, August 14, the Vigil of the Dormition & Assumption of The Blessed Lady, begins three days of rock-bottom discounts on registration for groups & families of three or more.

Tomorrow, the Great Feast itself, is the second day of discounts.

And then we honor Our Lady’s holy Father – St. Joachim – The Grandfather of Christ, on his feast Thursday, August 16th.

Holy Grandparents Christ Theotokos

You must register & submit the fee via PayPal on one of the days of the feast in order to receive the discount. Read More

“Dear St. Anne, find me a … MAN-ly discount!”

O God, who didst vouchsafe to bestow upon blessed Anne such grace, that she was found worthy to become the mother of her who brought forth Thine only-begotten Son; mercifully grant that we who celebrate her festival, may be helped by her intercession with Thee. Through the same Our Lord Jesus Christ … Collect of today’s liturgical festival

Holy Grandmother of Christ and Mother of The TheotokosThe discount period on registration fees for groups & families expired June 1. But that doesn’t mean you or your friends and family are stuck.

Thanks to Our Blessed Lady’s charity commemorated on today’s feast of her Mother, St. Anne, you and your friends & family may register TODAY at the Read More

Did you miss the extended discount period for registration?

Adirondack MagazineWell, then today’s your lucky day.

You can thank Our Blessed and all-Pure Lady, St. Mary the Mother of Christ-God, whose feast – her holy Visitation – we (including Ss. Elizabeth & John the Forerunner, dancing for joy in utero) celebrate July 2.

Thanks to your Mother, in other words, you don’t have to miss the pilgrimage (again?) because you were ‘a day late and a few dollars short’ this year.

Besides ‘alms for palms‘ to sponsor you, Read More

Is your holy Mother calling you on pilgrimage — on the feast of her holy Name?

  You can thank Our Blessed and all-Immaculate Lady, St. Mary the Mother of God, whose feast – her holy Name – we celebrate today. September 12.

Thank her for what?

Thanks to your Mother, you don’t have to miss the pilgrimage because you were ‘a day late and a few dollars short’ (again?) this year.

Besides ‘alms for palms‘ to sponsor you, Read More

Your gift on her birthday? – Nativity of Our Blessed Lady

Nativity of Blessed Virgin MaryYou bet’cha. Today’s your lucky day.

You can thank Our Blessed and all-Immaculate Lady, St. Mary the Mother of God, whose feast – her holy Nativity – we celebrate today. September 8.

Thanks to your Mother, in other words, you don’t have to miss the pilgrimage because you were ‘a day late and a few dollars short’ (again?) this year.

Besides ‘alms for palms‘ to sponsor you, Read More

One of the 12 days of Christmas in summertime – Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, purer than the driven snow

Wish to save your soul on pilgrimage and spare some cash registering for it?

August 22, the feast of Our Blessed Lady’s all-Immaculate Heart, is your lucky day.

Save $60 EACH when you and two other friends register and remit the fee via PayPal on her feast.

Save even MORE when you register with Read More

Three days of back-to-back discounts – thanks to The Blessed Virgin Mary and her holy Father

Today, August 14, the Vigil of the Dormition & Assumption of The Blessed Lady, begins three days of rock-bottom discounts on registration for groups & families of three or more.

Tomorrow, the Great Feast itself, is the second day of discounts.

And then we honor Our Lady’s holy Father – St. Joachim – The Grandfather of Christ, on his feast Wednesday, August 16th.

Holy Grandparents Christ Theotokos

You must register & submit the fee via PayPal on one of the days of the feast in order to receive the discount. Read More

“Dear St. Anne, find me a … MAN-ly discount!”

O God, who didst vouchsafe to bestow upon blessed Anne such grace, that she was found worthy to become the mother of her who brought forth Thine only-begotten Son; mercifully grant that we who celebrate her festival, may be helped by her intercession with Thee. Through the same Our Lord Jesus Christ …” Collect of today’s liturgical festival

Holy Grandmother of Christ and Mother of The TheotokosThe discount period on registration fees for groups & families expired June 1. But that doesn’t mean you or your friends and family are stuck.

Thanks to Our Blessed Lady’s charity commemorated on today’s feast of her Mother, St. Anne, you and your friends & family may register TODAY at the Read More