Why do I need the shuttle and why must I submit the form to request it? – Pilgrimage 2022

The shuttle is provided to enable you to arrive at the step-off location, to begin the pilgrimage, so that at the end of the pilgrimage you can recover your vehicle at the destination shrine, instead of finding your own way back to the starting-point.

You also need the shuttle if you use public transportation (PT) to arrive for pilgrimage, and/or to depart with PT after pilgrimage.

Whether a pilgrim first arrives by public transport or drives solo, all pilgrims (except those driving with passengers) first arrive in Auriesville, NY (at a location linked in the webform). There, organizers help pilgrims park their vehicles. Then, organizers shuttle the pilgrims to the required check-in at the starting point, and (after check-in) also to their lodgings.

NOTE: When requesting the shuttle, drivers arriving with passengers receive special instructions on the same webform.

You must therefore submit the form to organizers — even if you assume you will not need to use the shuttle service it arranges.

In sum, to obtain the help of organizers and to plan with them to arrive at check-in Thursday (which is also the step-off location Friday morning), and in order also to be reunited with your vehicle after Mass or return to your PT port Sunday, you must submit this form no later than September 20, 2022.

In the event you use public transportation (via air or bus) to arrive in Albany, NY, organizers will shuttle you from the respective PT terminal Thursday to the check-in location and to your lodgings nearby; and on Sunday back to your PT terminal. For that leg of the shuttle, you also must submit the same form.

The organizer in charge of the shuttle & responsible to answer all transportation questions can help you — at your request — to form a car-pool: but only after you submit the same form.

In every case, ‘plain-vanilla pilgrims’ & pilgrim-organizers need to plan, together, in advance.

Submitting the shuttle request facilitates your transportation Thursday, September 22, from the arrival parking lot behind the Coliseum church at the destination Shrine in Auriesville to early-bird check-in at step-off location, and again Friday morning, September 23, from motel to the rendezvous point with your brigade at the step-off location.

Request the shuttle only after registering & submitting the fee.

Pilgrimage for Restoration
Come to restore. The rest will come.

27th Annual

Friday – Sunday
23-25 September, 2022

“Now is the acceptable time.”

Jump-start your plans, even if you are not sure you can make it to Auriesville. PRE-register on this page. It’s simple, easy & you are left free to decide later whether you can make it or not.