Read it, and weep. Then … leap — for joy, at their place in heaven and their closeness to you, pilgrim, in prayers of intercession before the face of God.
Excerpts from the Jesuit Relations on the execution and martyrdom of blessed Huron converts in the Mohawk Valley near Ossernenon (Auriesville), September 1642
The oration and a conversation in August, 1642 of St. Eustace Ahatsistari foretelling his capture & martyrdom August-September 1642
An account of the martyrdoms, September 1642, of blessed Hurons in the Mohawk River villages of Teonontogen, Ossernenon, and Andagoron of the martyrs, respectively, Eustace Ahatsistari, Paul Onnonhoaraton, and Stephen of Andagoron*
* Stephen is called here “of Andagoron”, because no surname of the martyr is found at the time of this publication. Andagoron is the name of the Village in the Mohawk Valley where he was martyred.
26th annual
Friday – Sunday
24-26 September 2021
“Now is the acceptable time.“
Jump-start your plans, even if you are not sure you can make it to Auriesville. PRE-register . It’s simple, easy & there are no strings attached: you are left free to decide later whether you can make it or not.
You can also make pilgrimage from afar, from home or parish: obtain a plenary indulgence, sponsor a pilgrim (or two), request prayers or offer them — all from this page.
Listen to and learn the Songs of Pilgrimage!