“palmer” — a pilgrim returning from the Holy Land, palm branches in hand
“alms” — money or goods given as an act of charity
* * * * * * *
Call it “alms for palms”.
For as long as Christians have been making pilgrimage, they have known that no one in the Church, on The Way, goes it alone – ever.
Some give by going. Others go by giving.
Every pilgrim who returns palm in hand, knows he has gone hand in hand with those who have supported him by prayers and alms.
In short, a pilgrim offers family, friends, parishioners, neighbors et al his/her prayers & penances and promises to take their petitions to Our Lady’s altar at the destination Shrine. The same pilgrim begs the other person, in exchange, for his/her alms (monetary gifts), to help the pilgrim to afford the material costs of pilgrimage — like transportation, food, clothing.
(Yes. You read that correctly. A pilgrim is a beggar. Just as Christ & his first disciples also were beggars. Pilgrimage is very humbling.)
Whether from home or highway, everyone can participate in the annual Pilgrimage for Restoration.
Join your prayers to theirs, and ask fellow pilgrims to remember your intentions along the way.
Or offer alms in return for the ‘palms’ in their hands folded for you in prayer.
It’s easy.
Pilgrim & benefactor exchange “palms” for the alms a benefactor gives directly to the pilgrim, to cover costlier personal expenses, like transportation.
Or, a pilgrim can ask a benefactor to sponsor the needy pilgrim’s registration by name online for $150 — or help in whatever amount.
Your benefactors may also give to the NCCL apostolate in order to provide fresh water, food, transportation, first-aid, construction of an altar, etc. in whatever amount he can.
You may also donate, going directly to PayPal, by following this link. From there, click on the “Make a Donation” button at the bottom of the page.
(Be sure to include a brief note explaining your request. E.g. “sponsor J. Smith Pilg ’23”.)
Or mail in this form with a check payable to “NCCL”.
Whether you go by giving, or give by going — thank you!
In the union of prayers,
Greg Lloyd
Pilgrimage Director
484/240-5797 tel
Gregory P. Lloyd, M.A.
Executive Director
National Coalition of Clergy & Laity
621 Jordan Circle, Whitehall PA 18052-7119 USA
“Pray, hope, and don’t worry.” St. Padre Pio
Participate from afar, or sponsor a pilgrim on this page.
Here are some ways to help pilgrims with the material support they need.
[ x ] Brave Huron Converts give $25 to provide pilgrims fresh water along the way
[ x ] Medics of St. Dr. René Goupîl give $50 in first aid for weak pilgrims
[ x ] Co-Missioners of St. John de Brebeuf give $75 to help teach children catechism
[ x ] Joseph Chihwatenha’s Christian Warriors give $100 to transport the weary
[ x ] Co-Witnesses of St. Isaac Jogues’s martyrdom give $250 to feed & shelter hungry pilgrims
[ x ] Mission Builders of North America give $500 toward the material needs to bring as many as 20 holy Masses* into the wilderness over 3 days
* all liturgical rites in the “extraordinary,” traditional Latin-Roman form.
Pilgrimage for Restoration
Come to restore. The rest will come.
26th Annual Pilgrimage for Restoration
Friday – Sunday
24-26 September, 2021
“Now is the acceptable time.”
Jump-start your plans, even if you are not sure you can make it to Auriesville. PRE-register on this page. It’s simple, easy & there are no strings attached: you are left free to decide later whether you can make it or not.