The letter of sainted Fr. Isaac Jogues, linked below, is the source of the day’s meditations, 11 March 2023 in Allentown.
All pilgrims and pilgrim-organizers participating ‘from afar’ are asked please to circulate the linked letter to other pilgrims & pilgrim-organizers, asking them to read it attentively, and — inspired by the account of St. René’s heroic virtue — to pray for their fellows in retreat, who will requite their charity, to be sure.
NOTE: The linked letter is formatted as a booklet, thus easily printed and more easily read.
Mark your calendar!
Pilgrimage for Restoration
Come to restore. The rest will come.
28th annual — 2023 A.D.
Friday – Sunday
29 September – 1 October
“Now is the acceptable time.”
“No one makes pilgrimage alone.”
Oremus pro invicem.
In unione orationum.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam.