Download the pilgrims’ daily prayer, composed by St. Nicholas of Flüe

“Pray without ceasing.” It’s never too early to join fellow pilgrims in prayer. To make it easier to remember and recite the short prayer each day, every pilgrim is asked to print it out, post it to the refrigerator in the kitchen, leave it at one’s night table next to the bed, tape it to the mirror in the bathroom … Ok, you get the idea.

So, Read More

Download the pilgrims’ daily prayer, composed by St. Nicholas of Flüe

“Pray without ceasing.” It’s never too early to join fellow pilgrims in prayer. To make it easier to remember and recite the short prayer each day, every pilgrim is asked to print it out, post it to the refrigerator in the kitchen, leave it at one’s night table next to the bed, tape it to the mirror in the bathroom … Ok, you get the idea.

So, Read More

Download the pilgrims’ daily prayer, composed by St. Nicholas of Flüe

image_st_nicholas_of_flue_8-2013 “Pray without ceasing.” It’s never too early to join fellow pilgrims in prayer. To make it easier to remember and recite the short prayer each day, every pilgrim is asked to print it out, post it to the refrigerator in the kitchen, leave it at one’s night table next to the bed, tape it to the mirror in the bathroom … Ok, you get the point.

So, click here to download the prayer of St Nicholas of Flüe.

Spread the word, too!

Post the file to your Facebook page or blog.

Print it out, and take copies to your parish or church events, and distribute them to friends, family, parishioners, and fellow Catholics everywhere. Read More

Ask in her holy Name today, and it will be given you and pilgrim-friends

Church of the Holy Name of Mary, Rome.
Ask a gift of Our Blessed and all-Immaculate Lady, St. Mary the Mother of God, whose feast – her holy Name – we celebrate today, September 12. And her pilgrim-friends (and yours) will be given a deep discount on the registration fee in exchange.

Thanks to your Mother, in other words, you don’t have to miss the pilgrimage because you were ‘a day late and a few dollars short’ (again?) this year.

Besides ‘alms for palms‘ to sponsor you, the organizers’ policy is that Read More

Your gift on her birthday? – Nativity of Our Blessed Lady

Nativity of Blessed Virgin MaryYou bet’cha. Today’s your lucky day.

You can thank Our Blessed and all-Immaculate Lady, St. Mary the Mother of God, whose feast – her holy Nativity – we celebrate today. September 8.

Thanks to your Mother, in other words, you don’t have to miss the pilgrimage because you were ‘a day late and a few dollars short’ (again?) this year.

Besides ‘alms for palms‘ to sponsor you, Read More

Three days of back-to-back discounts – thanks to The Blessed Virgin Mary and her holy Father

Today, August 14, the Vigil of the Dormition & Assumption of The Blessed Lady, begins three days of rock-bottom discounts on registration for groups & families of three or more.

Tomorrow, the Great Feast itself, is the second day of discounts.

And then we honor Our Lady’s holy Father – St. Joachim – The Grandfather of Christ, on his feast Thursday, August 16th.

Holy Grandparents Christ Theotokos

You must register & submit the fee via PayPal on one of the days of the feast in order to receive the discount. Read More

Download the pilgrims’ daily prayer, composed by St. Nicholas of Flüe

image_st_nicholas_of_flue_8-2013 “Pray without ceasing.” It’s never too early to join fellow pilgrims in prayer. To make it easier to remember and recite the short prayer each day, every pilgrim is asked to print it out, post it to the refrigerator in the kitchen, leave it at one’s night table next to the bed, tape it to the mirror in the bathroom … Ok, you get the point.

So, click here to download the prayer of St Nicholas of Flüe.

Spread the word, too!

Post the file to your Facebook page or blog.

Print it out, and take copies to your parish or church events, and distribute them to friends, family, parishioners, and fellow Catholics everywhere. Read More

Is your holy Mother calling you on pilgrimage — on the feast of her holy Name?

  You can thank Our Blessed and all-Immaculate Lady, St. Mary the Mother of God, whose feast – her holy Name – we celebrate today. September 12.

Thank her for what?

Thanks to your Mother, you don’t have to miss the pilgrimage because you were ‘a day late and a few dollars short’ (again?) this year.

Besides ‘alms for palms‘ to sponsor you, Read More

Your gift on her birthday? – Nativity of Our Blessed Lady

Nativity of Blessed Virgin MaryYou bet’cha. Today’s your lucky day.

You can thank Our Blessed and all-Immaculate Lady, St. Mary the Mother of God, whose feast – her holy Nativity – we celebrate today. September 8.

Thanks to your Mother, in other words, you don’t have to miss the pilgrimage because you were ‘a day late and a few dollars short’ (again?) this year.

Besides ‘alms for palms‘ to sponsor you, Read More

Three days of back-to-back discounts – thanks to The Blessed Virgin Mary and her holy Father

Today, August 14, the Vigil of the Dormition & Assumption of The Blessed Lady, begins three days of rock-bottom discounts on registration for groups & families of three or more.

Tomorrow, the Great Feast itself, is the second day of discounts.

And then we honor Our Lady’s holy Father – St. Joachim – The Grandfather of Christ, on his feast Wednesday, August 16th.

Holy Grandparents Christ Theotokos

You must register & submit the fee via PayPal on one of the days of the feast in order to receive the discount. Read More

Why pray for Priest-Chaplains?

“And seeing the multitudes, he [Christ] had compassion on them: because they were distressed, and lying like sheep that have no shepherd. Then he saith to his disciples, The harvest indeed is great, but the labourers are few.” Mt. ix, 36-37

by Annika DeMaster, 16 – Immaculate Heart of Mary Brigade


Dear fellow Pilgrims,

I would like to ask you to join me in praying for Read More