Sacred Music on pilgrimage – St. Cecilia Brigade: Choir & Schola 2023

Click here to download and print an explanation of sacred music on pilgrimage and the rôle of the St. Cecilia Brigade. Learn how to join the Pilgrimage Choir and Schola, and to support the Brigade on pilgrimage.

Reach Maestra Becky Ostermann, Vice Director of Sacred Music and Music Director, at
ostermannr [at]

28th annual

Friday – Sunday
29 September – October 1 A.D. 2023

“Nobody makes pilgrimage alone.”
“In unione orationum.”
Now is the acceptable time.

Now is the time to register to pilgrimage to Auriesville. Register on this page. It’s simple and easy.

You can make pilgrimage from afar, from home or parish: obtain a plenary indulgence, sponsor a pilgrim (or two), request prayers or offer them — all from this page.

Need spiritual supplies?

Listen to and learn the Songs of Pilgrimage!