Spread the Word! NEW flyer – Pilgrimage 2024

No one makes pilgrimage alone.

Spread the word. Invite to pilgrimage your fellow travelers on the journey to heaven.

The PDF linked here  is a printable half-sheet flyer to share with those you love.

It explains the joy of pilgrimage, and offers a fresh view to those who haven’t yet heard about the annual Pilgrimage for Restoration — or perhaps who have never made a traditional pilgrimage before.

The PDF is designed to print out double-sided, on a letter-size page (8″ x 11″).

After printing, simply cut the page in half and you then have two (2) double-sided, half-page fliers.

It prints in color, but works fine in black and white, too.

Download a brochure for friends, parishioners, family – 2024  in PDF.

Questions? Contact Mary Rose Kadar-Kallen, Vice-Director for Invitations.

Blessed pilgrimage!