We all need to spread The Word

We all depend on The Word.

And The Word depends (as it were) on each pilgrim in his Church to get the word out about the pilgrimage of life: the return journey to The Father, through the Son.

It is also why the Pilgrimage relies on ‘word of mouth’ and “word of ‘net'” — to catch other fish for Christ.

So if you use Twitter, please retweet the following:


So, what are you waiting for?

If this one picture doesn’t mean it’s time to PRE-register, what thousand words will move you?

pilgrimage for restoration

Will you join us more than one day, or Sunday only?

Even if you are unsure now, you can PRE-register to ‘hold your place’, and decide finally later.

It’s easy, no strings attached, and takes less than three minutes.

Have you heard our own recording of the Songs of Pilgrimage? Click on the link either Read More