Back in 2024!
ALL pilgrims are invited to a warm meal after the final Mass at the picnic pavilion across the field from the Visitor Center & gift shop, near the entrance to the Ravine of St. René’s martyrdom.
See this post for schedule of all of Sunday’s events.
The schedule of events for the modified pilgrimage is attached below.
All pilgrims participating in the modified events are asked to print it out and keep it on hand for immediate reference in the field this week during Pilgrimage.
Pilgrim-organizers have decided the location of the 26th annual Pilgrimage for Restoration, scheduled to take place Friday-Sunday, September 24 – 26, 2021 A.D.
Pilgrim families & seniors arriving Sunday, September 27, are most welcome to join pilgrim families & seniors already on pilgrimage at 9:45 Sunday morning, arriving at the Shrine for special events there.
You are cordially invited to participate in Read More