Watch: Students on Pilgrimage

What is it like to be on traditional, walking pilgrimage for three whole days? Student pilgrims from Thomas More College of Liberal Arts share their experience in the video below.

The 29th annual Pilgrimage for Restoration is scheduled to take place Friday-Sunday, 27 – 29 September 2024 A.D.

Pre-register or register for the 2024 Pilgrimage for Restoration today.

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‘Something for everybody’ to participate in 2024!

Watch: Marching in a Brigade with the Church militant

No one makes Pilgrimage alone.

At the Pilgrimage for Restoration, pilgrims form in brigades and walk together in song, prayer, and fellowship.

Almost without being noticed, pilgrim-organizers (all volunteers) guide and shadow the sometimes mile-long column of brigades to assist them at every step of The Way, allowing pilgrims to concentrate on the “one thing alone necessary” – seeking and being with Christ.

Follow a brigade of students from Thomas More College in the video below.

The 28th annual Pilgrimage for Restoration is scheduled to take place Read More

Watch: Students on Pilgrimage

What is it like to be on traditional, walking pilgrimage for three whole days? Student pilgrims from Thomas More College of Liberal Arts share their experience in the video below.

The 27th annual Pilgrimage for Restoration is scheduled to take place Friday-Sunday, September 23 – 25, 2022 A.D.

Pre-register or register for the 2022 Pilgrimage for Restoration today.

Subscribe to this blog for updates.

Visit the website, or the Facebook group or Facebook page.

‘Something for everybody’ to participate in 2022!

Pilgrims join Angels in praise of The Way

Along with the New York Catholic Chorale which has also sung the final Mass beautifully for years, the “Pilgrimage Choir” has often been a presence at the Pilgrimage for Restoration, providing the music for the weekday Masses and some years for final Liturgy Saturday.

As the name implies, the Pilgrimage Choir’s members are themselves pilgrim veterans, hailing from St. Joseph Oratory in Green Bay, WI. As pilgrims themselves, they truly enter into the spirit of the pilgrimage and understand the import of the Liturgy which sustains the pilgrims on their journey.


Pilgrimage Choir, directed by Professor Rebecca Ostermann,
rehearses in Coliseum church at Auriesville, 2010

The members of the Pilgrimage Choir 2010 are:

Hannah Haltom, alto 1st-year pilgrim
Christina Kanzenbach, soprano 8-yr vet
Rebecca Kanzenbach, soprano 10-yr vet
William Kanzenbach, tenor 8-yr vet
Kaleb Kerscher, bass 4-yr vet
Andrew Ostermann, bass 3-yr vet
Julia Ostermann, soprano & organist 6-yr vet
Sarah Ostermann, soprano 8-yr vet
Alberta Qamar, alto 7-yr vet
Fabian Qamar, tenor & organist 7-yr vet

This year’s Pilgrimage Choir was honored to welcome four guest members from the Schola of the New York Catholic Chorale, Artists-in-Residence at Sienna College, Loudonville, New York:

William Helmer, tenor     Dennis Coker, tenor     Chris Ritter, bass     Ken Rudolph, bass

The Pilgrimage Choir is conducted by Rebecca Ostermann, 12-year pilgrimage veteran, including the groundbreaking Pilgrimage for Restoration in 1996. Formerly the conductor of St. Joseph Oratory Choir in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Rebecca is now serving as Lecturer in Music and Assistant Conductor of Choirs at Ave Maria University in Florida.

The Pilgrimage Choir repertoire has included:

Missa Secunda, Hans Leo Hassler
Mass for Three Voices, Antonio Lotti
Ave Verum Corpus, William Byrd
Salve Regina, Antonio Lotti
Jesu Rex Admirabilis, Palestrina
Ave Maria, Jacques Arcadelt
Exsultate Justi, Ludovico Viadana
Vous etés san pareille, Claude Thompson
Proper chants of the Mass

Veni Creator Spiritus!

Video documentary of unique spiritual exercise

Note: the documentary linked here previously suggested that the annual Pilgrimage for Restoration begins at the National Shrine of Blessed Kateri Shrine in Fonda and processes to Our Lady’s Shrine of the Martyrs in Auriesville.

In fact, the spiritual exercise begins at the Lac du Saint Sacrement (the “Lake of the Blessed Sacrament”), as St. Isaac Jogues named it, in present day Lake George Village, and ends approximately 75 miles later at Auriesville.

Since its inception the last day of Pilgrimage covers the roughly seven miles from Fonda to Auriesville.

Click here to order the official full length video of all four days of the unique spiritual exercise as recorded by volunteers of the Company of St. Rene Goupil in on Pilgrimage in 2003.