Q & A series to help pilgrims prepare for step-off – Pilgrimage 2023

pilgrimage for restorationThe race is on. It’s now only five weeks — just 35 days — til step-off, Friday, September 29.

Look for a series of short posts on this blog to appear one every other day or so, beginning today, to help get you ready.

The posts are specially designed to help pilgrims to find answers to the more frequently asked questions.

ALL REGISTERED PILGRIMS are expected to read, attentively, the online FAQs carefully. (They really do contain information that is critical to participation.)

Question #1 – “What should I do first?” – Pilgrimage 2023

Question #2 – “What next, after beginning to pray?” – release of liability & parental authorization. Pilgrimage 2023

Question #3 – “So, how do I get to step-off location anyway?” Requesting the shuttle. Pilgrimage 2023

Question #4 – “Where can a pilgrim stay overnight Thursday, to be ready for step-off early Friday morning?” 2023

Question #5 – “What’s this I heard about check-in Thursday evening & rendezvous Friday morning?” 2023

Question #6 – “What clothing should I pack, and how should I pack it?” Pilgrimage 2023

Question #7 – “What gear should I pack, and how should I pack it – and my tent?” Pilgrimage 2023

Question #8 – “What food should I bring, and how should I pack it?” Pilgrimage 2023

Question #9 – “Who supplies what for whom, and when?” Pilgrimage 2023

“In general, what costs does the registration fee cover and what needs does registration itself provide for?” Pilgrimage 2023

Pilgrimage for Restoration
Come to restore. The rest will come.

28th annual — 2023 A.D.

Pilgrimage Banner

Friday – Sunday
29 September – October 1

“Now is the acceptable time.” II. Cor. vi, 2


Your friends staying home this year can make pilgrimage from afar, from home or parish: obtain a plenary indulgence, sponsor a pilgrim (or two), request prayers or offer them — all from this page.

Listen to and learn the Songs of Pilgrimage!

“No one makes pilgrimage alone.”
Oremus pro invicem.
In unione orationum.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam.