Download the pilgrims’ daily prayer, composed by St. Nicholas of Flüe

“Pray without ceasing.” It’s never too early to join fellow pilgrims in prayer. To make it easier to remember and recite the short prayer each day, every pilgrim is asked to print it out, post it to the refrigerator in the kitchen, leave it at one’s night table next to the bed, tape it to the mirror in the bathroom … Ok, you get the idea.

So, Read More

Download the pilgrims’ daily prayer, composed by St. Nicholas of Flüe

“Pray without ceasing.” It’s never too early to join fellow pilgrims in prayer. To make it easier to remember and recite the short prayer each day, every pilgrim is asked to print it out, post it to the refrigerator in the kitchen, leave it at one’s night table next to the bed, tape it to the mirror in the bathroom … Ok, you get the idea.

So, Read More

URGENT prayers for speedy, miraculous recovery of the Father of pilgrim-organizer Rory Burke – Pilgrimage 2020

NOTE: This post originally wrongly reported Rory, Mr. Burke’s son, as the victim of the auto accident. I beg pardon of The Burke Family and pilgrim-friends for the error. — G. Lloyd, Director

With profound sadness news touches fellow pilgrims far and wide, telling of dreadful, life-threatening injuries to pilgrim and Father of generous veteran organizer Rory Burke of Baltimore, Maryland. Read More

“In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world.” Jn. xvi:33

“These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world.” Jn. xvi, 33

Christ is risen! Truly he is risen!

The following is a good word from Pilgrimage Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Gregory Pendergraft, who addressed the following lines via e-mail this morning to his Roman flock at St. Stephen of Hungary Parish in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

As we are subjected to yet more weeks of social distancing, it is important to remember that fear has been used in every Read More

Download the pilgrims’ daily prayer, composed by St. Nicholas of Flüe

image_st_nicholas_of_flue_8-2013 “Pray without ceasing.” It’s never too early to join fellow pilgrims in prayer. To make it easier to remember and recite the short prayer each day, every pilgrim is asked to print it out, post it to the refrigerator in the kitchen, leave it at one’s night table next to the bed, tape it to the mirror in the bathroom … Ok, you get the point.

So, click here to download the prayer of St Nicholas of Flüe.

Spread the word, too!

Post the file to your Facebook page or blog.

Print it out, and take copies to your parish or church events, and distribute them to friends, family, parishioners, and fellow Catholics everywhere. Read More