Day of Recollection scheduled for all pilgrims, aspiring-pilgrims, and pilgrim-servants – Pilgrimage for Restoration 2025

pilgrims_in_cathedral_of_woods-940x198 Mark your calendar!

Join fellow pilgrims and pilgrim-servants converging at Allentown, Pennsylvania, for a day of recollection on Saturday, March 29.

First-Chaplain Father Joseph Favole will direct meditations throughout the day, beginning with holy Mass at 8:00 A.M. at the Oratory-church of St. Stephen of Hungary – 510 West Union Street, Allentown PA 18101-2307.

RSVP here,

A fellow Chaplain or two will hear confessions.

The day’s session will be devoted to imbue aspiring pilgrims and all pilgrim-servants — especially brigade leaders and members of the Company of St. René Goupîl (CSRG) — with the spirituality of the blessed martyrs.

That spirituality is condensed in the letter of St. Isaac Jogues (written under obedience around the year 1646), recounting his friend’s martyrdom in September 1642 as well as in accounts of the heroic martyrdoms of Huron converts like Eustace Ahatsistari, Paul Onnonhoaraton, and Stephen of Andagoron.

Father will ‘unpack’ the letter’s account, to teach what it means for pilgrim-servants and ‘plain-vanilla’ pilgrims.

Did you know? The Company of St. René Goupîl was founded by the late Robert “Uncle Bob” Murray, of blessed memory, in March of 1998 in order to help to provide for the material needs of pilgrims in imitation of St. René Goupîl, a laymen and physician.

The meditations will concentrate on the martyrs’ spirituality, in order to answer the question, “What does it mean to be a free Christian servant to pilgrims in the manner of martyrs who were enslaved on pilgrimage in the summer of 1642, and after?”

Pilgrims past & future, who are not servants or members of the CSRG, are welcome to attend. Everyone else with an heart for pilgrimage is also welcome.

Click here to let us know whether you are coming or not.

There is no charge for the day, but attendees and other benefactors are encouraged to donate to the stipends which the NCCL apostolate expects to give to the Fathers who direct the day’s meditation.

Benefactors may also contribute to help retreatants defray the costs of travel and/or local overnight accommodations for pilgrim-servants coming from afar.

Send an e-mail to Eric McWhirter, Director for the CSRG, if you have questions about the day.

Ask Eric also about defraying the costs of travel & accommodations, by staying with local pilgrims or pilgrim-families — Friday or/and Saturday nights, 28-29 March.

Mark your calendar for the all-day event Saturday, 29 March! RSVP today.


30th annual
Pilgrimage Banner

Friday – Sunday
26 – 28 September 2025 A.D.

Now is the acceptable time.

Registration is open.

Click here to register.

Jump-start your plans, even if you are not sure you can make it to Auriesville. PRE-register. It’s simple: remit a pre-fee of $35, and you are left free to decide later whether you can make it or not.

You can also make pilgrimage from afar, from home or parish: obtain a plenary indulgence, sponsor a pilgrim (or two), request prayers or offer them — all from this page.

Listen to and learn the Songs of Pilgrimage!

Click here for the traditional way to afford pilgrimage.