Pilgrimage 2024 – Will it include this reward?

“And whosoever shall give to drink to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, amen I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.” Mt. x, 42

Dear Fellow Pilgrim,

Have you walked the Pilgrimage for Restoration without help?

Do you remember who handed water to you? Who had hot food ready for you at the end of each weary day? Who led you to each day’s bivouac?

Will you do for others what has been done – so generously – for you? Let us know here!

Many generous volunteers are needed in order to bring the pilgrimage to its holy destination. Will you join them?

Take a look at these needs.

You might –

• drive vans for the relief of weary pilgrims
• shuttle pilgrims from Shrine to step-off location
• provide first-aid and blister care throughout the ‘triduum’
• purchase, prepare, and serve food for the pilgrims
• heat and serve water for the pilgrims each morning and evening
• order, haul, and distribute water bottles along the route
• schedule, book, pick-up, drive, and return pilgrimage support vehicles
• haul pilgrims’ luggage and other pilgrimage equipment
• pitch and strike camp each day
• scout the walking routes in the months prior to pilgrimage
• lead pilgrims through every turn of the route along the way
• facilitate communications between divisions and all their teams on the road
• assist the walking column to cross streets and main roads safely
• haul and maintain the portable bathrooms, trailers, and trucks
• provide for the temporal needs of the Priests who generously serve as chaplains
• assist the chaplains to coordinate their duties on the road
• set up and beautify the holy Altar
• serve for the main Mass, and the numerous private Masses each day

And there is more, much more – including the work of the directorate’s officers who plan, coordinate, and direct all the volunteer labor necessary (across nine divisions of organization) to realize a walking pilgrimage … that is growing by leaps and bounds.

Would you consider making your next pilgrimage by serving Christ through others?

We would love to hear from you! Write to us at mail@pilgrimage-for-restoration.org.

Many of the pilgrim-volunteers are members of the Company of St. René Goupîl. This unique brigade cares for the temporal needs of the pilgrims en route, in the spirit of its heavenly Patron, the holy physician and lay-brother cruelly martyred at Auriesville.

Will you join them – in martyrdom (witness) of a less-bloody kind?

You don’t have to commit yet. Just let us know of your interest.

Our Lord Himself promises:

“And whosoever shall give to drink to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, amen I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.” Mt. x, 42

St. René Goupîl, disciple of Christ, pray for us!

Paul M. Audino, Vice-Director
Company of St. René Goupîl
Stephens City, Virginia

Thomas M. Gies, Brigadier
Brigade of St. René Goupîl
Steubenville, Ohio

Pilgrimage for Restoration
Come to restore. The rest will come.

29th annual – 2024 A.D.

Pilgrimage Banner

Friday – Sunday
27 – 29 September

“Now is the acceptable time.”

Your friends staying home this year can make pilgrimage from afar, from home or parish: obtain a plenary indulgence, sponsor a pilgrim (or two), request prayers or offer them — all from this page.

Listen to and learn the Songs of Pilgrimage!

“No one makes pilgrimage alone.”
Oremus pro invicem.
In unione orationum.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam.
