about the other divisions of the pilgrimage organization, and volunteering with them

Besides the more visible apostolates within the organization on pilgrimage (e.g., the Company of St. René Goupîl – CSRG, and the Corps of St. Eustace) there are several other divisions of volunteers, many of them doing most of their work quietly throughout the year, unseen by other pilgrims even on the way to Auriesville.

Some provide spiritual guidance or practical direction, others moral or material support, many simply pray. All of them make sacrifices to realize the pilgrimage year after year. And often there seem never to be enough heads & hands to accomplish the work.

The several divisions of the pilgrimage organization are shown in this schematic.

  • They include: the Sacred Chaplaincy, the Brigades, the Modified Pilgrimage, sacred Liturgical Music (choirs & direction), Sunday’s Events, Recruitment, Development & Communication, Registration & Check-In, Special Projects, etc.

And they need generous help. In your charity, would you donate your time, talent or treasure to help realize the pilgrimage?

Contact pilgrim-organizers to find out more or to step-forward in service.

  • All volunteers of the above-named divisions are expected to study and exemplify the spirit of their heavenly Patron, Joseph Chihwatenha, “The Forgotten Martyr“, whose spiritual father, St. Jean de Brèbeuf, hailed as the “Pillar of the Church in North America”.
  • Click here to read the inspiring story of Joseph Chihwahtenha.

Click here to register for the Pilgrimage. (Besides “signing-up”, all volunteers must also register.)

Click here to donate alms to the pilgrimage apostolate, or to sponsor a pilgrim.