Volunteer – 2024

Pilgrim-organizers volunteer to take on many responsibilities & roles. They always need help.

Could this be your way of making pilgrimage?

pilgrimages in the united states

“Water lilies” provide water and good cheer to walking pilgrims.

The Company of St. Rene Goupil helps with most of the material needs of the Pilgrimage, including —

shuttling & transportation for weary pilgrims


food prep

safety on the streets

campsite set-up

port-a-johns, pick-ups and drivers

water distribution and drivers


care for the priests

Mass set-up

pre-pilgrimage scouting, and guidance along the way

night watch in camps

That is not all! The Pilgrimage is always in need of —

priests and religious

assistance with check-in and registration and communication

altar servers (males over the age of ten with experience)

brigade leaders (laymen and women who organize pilgrims in groups of 25-40.)

sacred music (choir director, singers, chaplain)

assistance with Sunday’s events for pilgrims who arrive for the last day

assistance with the Modified Pilgrimage for families and non-walkers

IT technicians, web & blog designers and editors, writers, and assistance to reply to inquiries

clean-up Sunday and Monday after the pilgrimage

  • Click here to learn about the Company of St. René Goupîl.
  • Click here to learn about the altar servers in the Corps of St. Eustace Ahatsistari.
  • Click here to learn about the other divisions of pilgrimage organization.

Click here to register for the Pilgrimage. (Besides ‘signing-up’, all volunteers must first register.)

Contact pilgrim-organizers to find out more or to step-forward in service.

If you are unable to help in the above ways, consider a donation.

Click here to donate alms to the pilgrimage apostolate, or to sponsor a pilgrim.