Could this be your way of making pilgrimage?
The Company of St. Rene Goupil helps with most of the material needs of the Pilgrimage, including —
shuttling & transportation for weary pilgrims
food prep
safety on the streets
campsite set-up
port-a-johns, pick-ups and drivers
water distribution and drivers
care for the priests
Mass set-up
pre-pilgrimage scouting, and guidance along the way
night watch in camps
That is not all! The Pilgrimage is always in need of —
priests and religious
assistance with check-in and registration and communication
altar servers (males over the age of ten with experience)
brigade leaders (laymen and women who organize pilgrims in groups of 25-40.)
sacred music (choir director, singers, chaplain)
assistance with Sunday’s events for pilgrims who arrive for the last day
assistance with the Modified Pilgrimage for families and non-walkers
IT technicians, web & blog designers and editors, writers, and assistance to reply to inquiries
clean-up Sunday and Monday after the pilgrimage
- Click here to learn about the Company of St. René Goupîl.
- Click here to learn about the altar servers in the Corps of St. Eustace Ahatsistari.
- Click here to learn about the other divisions of pilgrimage organization.
Click here to register for the Pilgrimage. (Besides ‘signing-up’, all volunteers must first register.)
Contact pilgrim-organizers to find out more or to step-forward in service.If you are unable to help in the above ways, consider a donation.
Click here to donate alms to the pilgrimage apostolate, or to sponsor a pilgrim.