The schedule of events for the day of recollection March 11, 2023 is linked below.
All pilgrims and pilgrim-organizers participating ‘from afar’ Read More
What is it like to be on traditional, walking pilgrimage for three whole days? Student pilgrims from Thomas More College of Liberal Arts share their experience in the video below.
The 27th annual Pilgrimage for Restoration is scheduled to take place Friday-Sunday, September 23 – 25, 2022 A.D.
Pre-register or register for the 2022 Pilgrimage for Restoration today.
Subscribe to this blog for updates.
Visit the website, or the Facebook group or Facebook page.
‘Something for everybody’ to participate in 2022!
In this post we’ll concentrate on what to pack for personal gear, and how to pack it — including your tent. See this webpage for explanations of ‘the basics’, and ‘the essentials’. Read More
That’s right. Every pilgrim must check-in upon arrival at the step-off location Thursday afternoon or evening.
We strongly advise you to do that on Thursday afternoon or evening with the ‘early-birds’.
It’s possible Friday morning, too — but barely. There is always too little time.
That’s because every pilgrim, without exception, must also report to Read More
“These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world.” Jn. xvi, 33
Christ is risen! Truly he is risen!
The following is a good word from Pilgrimage Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Gregory Pendergraft, who addressed the following lines via e-mail this morning to his Roman flock at St. Stephen of Hungary Parish in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
As we are subjected to yet more weeks of social distancing, it is important to remember that fear has been used in every Read More
(There is still no fee to register for Sunday-only.)
Discounts are still available after Read More
Dates for Pilgrimage 2020 are, as is the custom, the last weekend in September.
This year the traditional feast of the martyrs of New France, September 26, occurs directly in the midst of pilgrimage, on Saturday.
Friday – Sunday, 25 – 27 September 2020 A.D.
Check back soon to download the pilgrims’ prayer, and for announcements of very special events.
Come to restore. The rest will come.
Not everyone overnights Thursday at the same accommodations, but IF YOU ARE STAYING THURSDAY NIGHT at the Lake George BATTLEGROUND CAMPGROUND it is best to pre-book/to reserve your stay there.
(Campers who stay at the Battleground Campground Thursday must pay their own way to overnight there. The pilgrimage does not begin until Friday morning.)
Click here, to reserve your camp site.
You may also pay the camping fee there in person, at the entrance to to the Battleground Campground.
Upwards of six campers may overnight per site, and split the site fee.
“Pray without ceasing.” It’s never too early to join fellow pilgrims in prayer. To make it easier to remember and recite the short prayer each day, every pilgrim is asked to print it out, post it to the refrigerator in the kitchen, leave it at one’s night table next to the bed, tape it to the mirror in the bathroom … Ok, you get the point.
So, click here to download the prayer of St Nicholas of Flüe.
Spread the word, too!
Post the file to your Facebook page or blog.
Print it out, and take copies to your parish or church events, and distribute them to friends, family, parishioners, and fellow Catholics everywhere. Read More
Pilgrim families & seniors arriving Sunday are most welcome to join other pilgrim families & seniors already on pilgrimage as early as 10:00am Sunday morning at the Shrine in Auriesville for special, new events there.
Families & newcomer pilgrim-friends will gather Read More