Watch: Students on Pilgrimage

What is it like to be on traditional, walking pilgrimage for three whole days? Student pilgrims from Thomas More College of Liberal Arts share their experience in the video below.

The 27th annual Pilgrimage for Restoration is scheduled to take place Friday-Sunday, September 23 – 25, 2022 A.D.

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‘Something for everybody’ to participate in 2022!

Question #5 – “What’s this I heard about ‘check-in’ Thursday evening & rendezvous Friday morning?” 2021

That’s right. Every pilgrim must check-in upon arrival at the step-off location Thursday afternoon or evening.

We strongly advise you to do that on Thursday afternoon or evening with the ‘early-birds’.

It’s possible Friday morning, too — but barely. There is always too little time.

That’s because every pilgrim, without exception, must also report to Read More

Optional over-night accommodations Friday & Saturday for seniors and families participating in the ‘modified events’ and not able to camp out – and for any pilgrim Sunday evening after conclusion of Pilgrimage 2021

This post lists a few lodgings for seniors and families of the ‘modified events’ who elect to overnight locally indoors — instead of camping out — along the pilgrimage route Thursday, Friday, or Saturday evening, and/or for any pilgrims on Sunday after the Read More