Download the pilgrims’ daily prayer, composed by St. Nicholas of Flüe

image_st_nicholas_of_flue_8-2013To make it easier to remember and recite the short prayer each day, every pilgrim might wish to print it out, post it to the refrigerator in the kitchen, leave it at one’s night table next to the bed, tape it to the mirror in the bathroom … Ok, you get the point.

So, click here to download the prayer of St Nicholas of Flüe.

Bear in mind that praying it is an audible & mnemonic sign that you have already begun the pilgrimage, uniting with fellow pilgrims: each preparing to converge Read More

The Way of a pilgrim is unceasing prayer

Christ-Pancrator_JerusalemThe Christian’s life on pilgrimage does not end until death. And even then, there is an eternity of discovery & delight to expect in the presence of the Supremely Good & Almighty God.

To keep us on The Way, the Pilgrimage Chaplains ask pilgrims to recite with devotion each day the sublime, three-line prayer of St. Nicholas of Flüe, and in that way to commit it to memory:

My Lord and my God,
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Download the pilgrims’ daily prayer, composed by St. Nicholas of Flüe

saint nicholas of flueTo make it easier to (remember and to) recite the short prayer each day, every pilgrim might wish to print it out, post it to the refrigerator in the kitchen, leave it at one’s night table next to the bed, tape it to the mirror in the bathroom … Ok, you get the point.

Bear in mind that praying it is an audible & mnemonic sign that you have already begun the pilgrimage, uniting with fellow pilgrims: each preparing to converge at the Lake of Read More

When your Mother asks you to do a favor

wilderness MassOur Blessed Mother & Theotokos has asked that her faithful children do reparation for the sins (mine, yours, ours and ‘theirs’) which are committed against Her Immaculate Heart.

She’s been so good to you — even when you are not paying attention. Or did you forget she’s been watching over and caring for you, just like a good mother, all these years. And not only when you were little babe in your (other) Mother’s arms.

What kind of child are you? Will you now console her in turn, when she is sorrowful?

(You don’t even have to travel to make pilgrimage in reparation. Find out how easy it is. Click here.) Read More

So, what are you waiting for?

If this one picture doesn’t mean it’s time to PRE-register, what thousand words will move you?

pilgrimage for restoration

Will you join us more than one day, or Sunday only?

Even if you are unsure now, you can PRE-register to ‘hold your place’, and decide finally later.

It’s easy, no strings attached, and takes less than three minutes.

Have you heard our own recording of the Songs of Pilgrimage? Click on the link either Read More

To know Bob Murray was to love him

Long before his death yesterday, those who knew him said Bob was a saint. For he had the most extraordinary ordinary way of introducing and re-introducing Jesus Christ to those whom he encountered. But he would be the first to cringe at that assessment, and demand prayers for his blessed repose instead.

So that is what his friends are now asking. The Pilgrimage Director asks Read More