Links to blogs, bulletin board, Facebook group, webforms – and contact

Main weblog, pilgrims’ forum & bulletin board, and Facebook group page

    1.   Visit the new blog of the pilgrimage at
    2.   Visit the forum for pilgrims at
    3.   Visit the pilgrimage Facebook GROUP page at
    4. Visit the pilgrimage Facebook page at

Webforms for registration all three days, pre-registration, and Sunday-only registration

Use one of the three webforms to register all three days, to pre-register, or to register for Sunday-only

Webforms to request the shuttle, pilgrimage media, sponsorships, prayer requests, etc.

Use any of the various webforms to request the shuttle, sign-up to help organize the spiritual exercise, request pilgrimage media, sponsor a pilgrim, request prayers, participate from afar, etc.

Brigade weblogs

 Visit the blog of the Company of St. René Goupîl apostolate.

  •  Visit the blog of the Brigade of St. Joan of Arc
  •  Visit the blog of the Brigade of St. Isaac Jogues
  • Visit the blog of the Brigade of St. Michael the Archangel  

    All brigadiers are asked to construct a blog for his/her respective brigade.


    E-mail the Pilgrimage’s Registrar.

    Or, phone/text 484/240-5797.