Not able to travel to New York to make pilgrimage on-site?
How about making pilgrimage from home?
And even gain the same plenary indulgence as the other pilgrims?
Start by clicking this link.
If you wish, you can also donate, materially, to support the other pilgrims who – many of them – in need of underwriting some pretty hefty expenses, like long-distance transportation.
How to obtain the pilgrims’ plenary indulgence
- Form an intention – All pilgrims “form an intention”, the very reason for making pilgrimage. It can be, for instance, an act of love, of gratitude, a sacrifice you wish to offer Our Lord and Savior (e.g . reparation of sins), a petition for a favor or grace that you ask to obtain from Him, like a cure for the sick, conversion of a sinner, peace in family, release of souls from purgatory. The heaven’s the limit!
- Pray – for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff, Francis, Pope of Rome. It is recommended that you also make a practice of reciting the Holy Rosary.
- Receive holy Communion – worthily during the days of the pilgrimage, and be sure to make a good confession within 8 days of receiving Communion.
- Renounce all attachment to sin – even of the venial (less deadly) sort.
- Pray for fellow pilgrims – You can pray the novena or the Act of Consecration to Jesus through Mary that will appear on the thank-you page when you submit the sponsor form.
Or click here for the Act of Consecration and a mail-in form.