Should I use the “individual/group” webform to register for Pilgrimage 2014?

Who should use the “individual/group” webform webform to register for Pilgrimage 2014?

1. Use this form to register yourself — that is, once you have decided to make pilgrimage and are ready to submit the registration fee in full.

2. Use the same form to register at least one other person with you — again, assuming you both have decided to make pilgrimage and are ready to submit the full fee.

3. Use the same form to register yourself, together with at least two other pilgrims also ready to submit the fee, in order to avail of the group discount.

Group discounts are available until July 1 — or thereafter on one of Our Lady’s ‘discount-days’. The same webform may be used anytime — before or after after July 1 — although after July 1 the discount rate may apply only on announced ‘discount days’ in honor of Our Blessed Lady and certain Jesuit saints on their feasts.

Who should NOT use the “individual/group” webform?

1. Do NOT use the “individual/group” webform if you are finding it difficult to pay the full fee, and intend to ask the charity of family & friends to sponsor you with “alms for palms”.

In that case, please first PRE-register using this webform, and thereafter ask the charity of family & friends to sponsor you with “alms for palms”.

2. Do NOT use the “individual/group” webform if you wish to register a family for more than one day.

In that case, use the family webform to register a family participating for more than one day.

3. Do NOT use the “individual/group” webform if you wish to register yourself, your family or a group for Sunday’s events only.

In that case, click here to register for Sunday’s events only.

Click here to return to the registration webform, to continue registration.

DO NOT USE the registration webform to PRE-register.

PRE-registration is not the same as registration.

If you have already decided to make pilgrimage and are ready to submit the fee in full, use this page to register.

If you have not yet decided finally whether to make pilgrimage, but would like to, or still need to find a sponsor to contribute (to) your fee, click here to PRE-register.