Young men 11 years and older with experience serving the Roman Mass in the traditional (extraordinary) form, and who are ready to endure the additional hardships of pilgrimage that are inevitable in order to serve Mass, may join the Corps of Eustace Ahatsistari.
Click here to volunteer with the Corps of St. Eustace Ahatsistari.
- We call it “signing-up”, or “declaring your intention” – whether at the moment that means ‘yes, no, or maybe’.
- All members of the Corps are expected to exemplify the spirit of their heavenly Patron. To that end, all altar servers are required to study the passage of the Jesuits’ collected Relations in which St. Isaac Jogues gives his eyewitness testimony of Eustace’s Ahatsistari’s martyrdom.
Read about the martyrdom this brave Servant of God in two short excerpts:
Click here to register for the Pilgrimage. (Besides “signing-up”, every pilgrim-volunteer must also register.)
Click here to donate alms to the pilgrimage apostolate, or to sponsor a pilgrim.