On this page you will learn in overview what you and every pilgrim needs to do in order to check-in with organizers Thursday, the day before step-off.
EVERY pilgrim must check-in at Charles R. Wood Park, 17 W Brook Rd, Lake George Village NY 12845 upon arrival there Thursday after noon, September 25.
( Follow the instructions on this page to learn what YOU NEED TO PLAN IN ADVANCE WITH ORGANIZERS in order to arrive in Lake George Village using the shuttle service Thursday, to bring you to check-in. )
Check-in commences 4:30pm and concludes 10:30pm Thursday evening only.
Check-in tables are located near the public restrooms directly adjoining Wood Park.
Pilgrims electing to camp overnight Thursday at Wood Park reserve their site when registering for Pilgrimage. In 2025, the reservation cost is included in the registration fee.
( In case you have not elected to reserve a spot when you registered, you can return to the registration form to reserve your site. )
The sole campsite and meeting place of Pilgrimage events on Thursday is Wood Park.
Organizers have rented Wood Park for pilgrims who elect to camp there overnight Thursday, by reserving a site there when they register.
Pilgrims may arrive there after noon, Thursday.
Wood Park is the location of check-in Thursday, the location of step-off Friday morning, and only 500 feet from the customary Mass site Friday morning – at the monument to St. Isaac Jogues.
Pilgrims may also elect to reserve rooms at motels in Lake George. Organizers shuttle those pilgrims to their accommodations Thursday AFTER checking-in at Wood Park. Before dawn Friday morning, organizers also shuttle pilgrims from their motels back to Wood Park to reform with their brigades — followed by holy Mass, breakfast, and step-off: all with your brigade.
NOTE: Every leg of this service is available ONLY WHEN YOU REQUEST THE SHUTTLE SERVICES.
Once again there is no check-in this year (2025) at any location other than Wood Park.
Organizers strongly urge that you and every pilgrim aim to arrive Thursday at the Auriesville Shrine no later than 8:00pm, planning in advance with organizers to use the shuttle to bring you to Wood Park, the sole location of check-in — which is required for every pilgrim.
* * * There is also a very short, 30-minute, alternate check-in & walk-on registration Friday morning at Wood Park, beginning at 6:00, but only for those who have by some mix-up arrived after 10:30 the evening before. This check-in opportunity and walk-on registration is a last resort — it is not an option. * * *
The morning’s schedule is tight, including to break camp, to shuttle from motel to the Wood Park, to turn baggage over to organizers for transport, to reform with your brigade, to arrive promptly for holy Mass, to share breakfast with your brigade, and to step-off prepared for the long journey.
No gatherings of pilgrims may take place there.
Anyone electing to camp at the Battleground Campground does so of his own accord, but not as a pilgrim or under auspices of the Pilgrimage for Restoration.
Please do NOT identify yourself as pilgrim if you elect to camp there.
Campers there must follow all published rules of the Campground.
No pilgrimage activities or gatherings may take place in the Lake George Battleground Campground in 2025.
There is once again NO check-in this season (2025) at Cramer’s Point Motel.