Should I use the PRE-registration form to prepare for Pilgrimage 2015?

Who should use the PRE-registation form to prepare for Pilgrimage 2015?

1. Use this form to PRE-register yourself if you are not yet sure you can make pilgrimage & will make your final decision later.

2. Use the same form to secure the $95 discounted fee by submitting the ‘pre-fee’ immediately and the balance by July 1* — or the full fee on one of Our Lady’s ‘discount-days’ thereafter.

* The discount period is extended to August 1, when pre-registration is postmarked and pre-fee submitted by July 1.

3. Use this form if you are finding it difficult to pay the full fee, and will beg the charity of family & friends to sponsor you with “alms for palms”.

Click here to return to PRE-registration form, to continue pre-registration.

DO NOT USE the PRE-registration form TO REGISTER.

PRE-registration is not the same as registration.

If you have decided to make pilgrimage and are ready to submit the fee in full, use this page to register.

Click here to return to PRE-registration form, to continue pre-registration.