message for pilgrim-registrants about shuttle service, car-pools, and transportation all 3 days of Pilgrimage 2017


TO: Pilgrim-registrants, Pilgrimage 2017

FROM: Dennis P. Mitchell, R.O. – Transportation-Team – Co. of St. René Goupîl


After completing registration, be sure also to submit the transportation form, to coordinate with organizers your arrival at the pilgrimage starting point Thursday, 28 September, and in order to guarantee retrieval of your vehicle after the final Mass Sunday, October 1.

Even if you or the group you are traveling with intend to keep your vehicle throughout the pilgrimage, we ask you to submit the form, to tell us that.

Please don’t delay. The sooner my colleagues & I know your plans, the sooner your itinerary can be fixed and together we can all help fellow pilgrims looking for rides to the region from ‘all over the map’.

Please also visit the online pilgrims’ forum to interact with fellow pilgrims, including to help those looking to car-pool to the starting-point, and back home.

Lots of pilgrims are looking for rides to step-off. Information you offer to others in the forum, and by submitting the transportation form, can be used to help arrange car-pools.

Please contact me if you have any questions about transportation.

A blessed pilgrimage!

Dennis P. Mitchell
Responsible Officer (R.O.), Transportation-Team
II. Dept. for Logistics – Company of St. René Goupîl
Bangor, Pennsylvania
610/390-9507 mobile

Pilgrimage for Restoration
Come to restore. The rest will come.

NCCL – 621 Jordan Circle, Whitehall PA 18052-7119 USA

About the invitation to volunteer for Pilgrimage 2017


TO: Those invited to volunteer for the Pilgrimage 2017

FROM: Paul Farynaz, Vice-Director for Recruitment


Do please join us on pilgrimage.

    To learn a little something about the Pilgrimage for Restoration — now in its 22nd year — as well as the rôle of volunteers, please click here.

    You can also learn about the pilgrimage and the volunteers by visiting the other sites listed in the signature lines, below.

    This overview, a chart of the organization structure, can help as well.

    In case you’d prefer just to be a ‘plain-vanilla’ pilgrim — that is, without volunteering — then it only takes a minute or so to register.

    If you’re not yet sure about making the trip to Auriesville, you can PRE-register.

    If you’d like to learn about one special patron of the volunteers, you might also see the letter of St. Isaac Jogues, recounting the martyrdom of St. René Goupîl.

Drop me an e-mail if you have any questions.

Until soon, ad majorem Dei gloriam!

Paul J. Farynaz
Vice-Director for Recruitment
Lunenburg, Massachusetts
978/502-7971 mobile

Pilgrimage for Restoration
Come to restore. The rest will come.

NCCL – 621 Jordan Circle, Whitehall PA 18052-7119 USA

About the invitation to volunteer for Pilgrimage 2016


TO: Those invited to volunteer for the Pilgrimage 2016

FROM: Paul Farynaz, Vice-Director for Recruitment


Do please join us on pilgrimage.

    To learn a little something about the Pilgrimage for Restoration — now in its 21st year — as well as the rôle of volunteers, please click here.

    You can also learn about the pilgrimage and the volunteers by visiting the other sites listed in the signature lines, below.

    This overview, a chart of the organization structure, can help as well.

    In case you’d prefer just to be a ‘plain-vanilla’ pilgrim — that is, without volunteering — then it only takes a minute or so to register.

    If you’re not yet sure about making the trip to Auriesville, you can PRE-register.

    If you’d like to learn about one special patron of the volunteers, you might also see the letter of St. Isaac Jogues, recounting the martyrdom of St. René Goupîl.

Drop me an e-mail if you have any questions.

Until soon, ad majorem Dei gloriam!

Paul J. Farynaz
Vice-Director for Recruitment
Lunenburg, Massachusetts
978/502-7971 mobile

Pilgrimage for Restoration
Come to restore. The rest will come.

NCCL – 621 Jordan Circle, Whitehall PA 18052-7119 USA

Why must I submit the transportation request form?

The shuttle is provided to enable you to recover your vehicle at the end of the pilgrimage, Sunday afternoon.

In the event you use public transportation, the organizers also will shuttle you to and from the PT terminal.

In every case, plain-pilgrims & pilgrim-organziers need to plan, together, in advance.

Submitting the shuttle request facilitates your transportation in the afternoon or evening on Thursday, September 22, from Auriesville to Lake George Village, and again bright & early Friday morning from motel to check-in (which every pilgrim must do) right before Mass and step-off.

Submit the form only after registering & submitting the fee.

Should I use the “individual/group” webform to register for Pilgrimage 2015?

Who should use the “individual/group” webform webform to register for Pilgrimage 2015?

1. Use this form to register yourself — that is, once you have decided to make pilgrimage and are ready to submit the registration fee in full.

2. Use the same form to register at least one other person with you — again, assuming you both have decided to make pilgrimage and are ready to submit the full fee.

3. Use the same form to register yourself, together with at least two other pilgrims also ready to submit the fee, in order to avail of the group discount.

Group discounts are available until June 1.
The same webform may be used anytime before or after after June 1, although after June 1 the discount rate may apply only on ‘discount days’ in honor of Our Blessed Lady and certain Jesuit saints on their feasts. (Check the blog.)

Who should NOT use the “individual/group” webform?

1. Do NOT use the “individual/group” webform if you are finding it difficult to pay the full fee, and intend to ask the charity of family & friends to sponsor you with “alms for palms”.

In that case, please first PRE-register using this webform, and thereafter ask the charity of family & friends to sponsor you with “alms for palms”.

2. Do NOT use the “individual/group” webform if you wish to register a family for more than one day.

In that case, use the family webform to register a family participating for more than one day.

3. Do NOT use the “individual/group” webform if you wish to register yourself, your family or a group for Sunday’s events only.

In that case, click here to register for Sunday’s events only.

Click here to return to the registration webform, to continue registration.

DO NOT USE the registration webform to PRE-register.

PRE-registration is not the same as registration.

If you have already decided to make pilgrimage and are ready to submit the fee in full, use this page to register.

If you have not yet decided finally whether to make pilgrimage, but would like to, or still need to find a sponsor to contribute (to) your fee, click here to PRE-register.

Should I use the PRE-registration form to prepare for Pilgrimage 2015?

Who should use the PRE-registation form to prepare for Pilgrimage 2015?

1. Use this form to PRE-register yourself if you are not yet sure you can make pilgrimage & will make your final decision later.

2. Use the same form to secure the $95 discounted fee by submitting the ‘pre-fee’ immediately and the balance by July 1* — or the full fee on one of Our Lady’s ‘discount-days’ thereafter.

* The discount period is extended to August 1, when pre-registration is postmarked and pre-fee submitted by July 1.

3. Use this form if you are finding it difficult to pay the full fee, and will beg the charity of family & friends to sponsor you with “alms for palms”.

Click here to return to PRE-registration form, to continue pre-registration.

DO NOT USE the PRE-registration form TO REGISTER.

PRE-registration is not the same as registration.

If you have decided to make pilgrimage and are ready to submit the fee in full, use this page to register.

Click here to return to PRE-registration form, to continue pre-registration.

Should I submit the CSRG application – for example, even if I am not returning to service in September?

Yes, you should submit the application form even if you plan NOT to return to service in the Company of St. René Goupîl (CSRG) come September.


In order to:

  • notify fellow organizers of your plans — since they will need to know they must make plans without you this season; also to
  • identify a replacement; and, to
  • avail of the merits of your fellow-CSRGers’ prayers & acts of mercy.
  • The CSRGer who is not returning should choose check-box option nbr. 3, immediately following the “My Contact Info” section.

    Who else should use the same CSRG application form?

    1. A CSRG member returning to service in 2015 should use the same form to re-apply.

    In that case, the applicant should choose check-box option nbr. 1 immediately following the “My Contact Info” section on the form.

    2. A pilgrim applying to the CSRG for the first time should submit the same form.

    In that case, the applicant should choose check-box option nbr. 2 immediately following the “My Contact Info” section on the form.

    Who should NOT use the CSRG application form?

    Pilgrim-volunteers belonging to Divisions of organization other than the CSRG use a different form.

    Contact the Pilgrimage Director for information about that.

    Pilgrimage for Restoration 2015, September 18 – 20


    For questions specifically about this application form or technical assistance, contact the webmaster via e-mail, or by phone at 610/435-2634.

    For more information about the Company, please contact:

    Walt Zajac
    Dept. Chief, I. Dept. Liturgical-Prep
    Company of St. René Goupîl


    Jay Tellado
    Executive Officer (X.O.) Pro-Temp, II. Dept. Logistics
    Company of St. René Goupîl

    To pose questions about the spiritual formation of the Company’s members, contact:

    Rev. Fr. James B. Doran, OMV
    Spiritual Father & Chaplain
    Company of St. René Goupîl

    Visit the Company’s blogsite at .

    Should I use the “individual/group” webform to register for Pilgrimage 2014?

    Who should use the “individual/group” webform webform to register for Pilgrimage 2014?

    1. Use this form to register yourself — that is, once you have decided to make pilgrimage and are ready to submit the registration fee in full.

    2. Use the same form to register at least one other person with you — again, assuming you both have decided to make pilgrimage and are ready to submit the full fee.

    3. Use the same form to register yourself, together with at least two other pilgrims also ready to submit the fee, in order to avail of the group discount.

    Group discounts are available until July 1 — or thereafter on one of Our Lady’s ‘discount-days’. The same webform may be used anytime — before or after after July 1 — although after July 1 the discount rate may apply only on announced ‘discount days’ in honor of Our Blessed Lady and certain Jesuit saints on their feasts.

    Who should NOT use the “individual/group” webform?

    1. Do NOT use the “individual/group” webform if you are finding it difficult to pay the full fee, and intend to ask the charity of family & friends to sponsor you with “alms for palms”.

    In that case, please first PRE-register using this webform, and thereafter ask the charity of family & friends to sponsor you with “alms for palms”.

    2. Do NOT use the “individual/group” webform if you wish to register a family for more than one day.

    In that case, use the family webform to register a family participating for more than one day.

    3. Do NOT use the “individual/group” webform if you wish to register yourself, your family or a group for Sunday’s events only.

    In that case, click here to register for Sunday’s events only.

    Click here to return to the registration webform, to continue registration.

    DO NOT USE the registration webform to PRE-register.

    PRE-registration is not the same as registration.

    If you have already decided to make pilgrimage and are ready to submit the fee in full, use this page to register.

    If you have not yet decided finally whether to make pilgrimage, but would like to, or still need to find a sponsor to contribute (to) your fee, click here to PRE-register.

    Should I use the PRE-registration form to prepare for Pilgrimage 2014?

    Who should use the PRE-registation form to prepare for Pilgrimage 2014?

    1. Use this form to PRE-register yourself if you are not yet sure you can make pilgrimage & will make your final decision later.

    2. Use the same form to secure the $95 discounted fee by submitting the ‘pre-fee’ immediately and the balance by July 1* — or the full fee on one of Our Lady’s ‘discount-days’ thereafter.

    * The discount period is extended to August 1, when pre-registration is postmarked and pre-fee submitted by July 1.

    3. Use this form if you are finding it difficult to pay the full fee, and will beg the charity of family & friends to sponsor you with “alms for palms”.

    Click here to return to PRE-registration form, to continue pre-registration.

    DO NOT USE the PRE-registration form TO REGISTER.

    PRE-registration is not the same as registration.

    If you have decided to make pilgrimage and are ready to submit the fee in full, use this page to register.

    Click here to return to PRE-registration form, to continue pre-registration.

    How will you participate in Pilgrimage 2013?

    Click here to pre-register for Pilgrimage 2013.

    The dates of Pilgrimage for Restoration 2013 are September 20-22.

    If you’d rather skip pre-registering, and instead submit final registration straight away, here are your options:

    1. Click here to register yourself or a group for Pilgrimage 2013.

    2. Click here to register your family for more than one day, whether for the ‘modified Pilgrimage’ or walking with the ‘main column’.

    3. Click here to register for Sunday’s events only.

    Wish to sponsor a needy pilgrim, to support the NCCL apostolate, or to participate in pilgrimage from afar? Just click here.

    To volunteer for the Company of St. Rene Goupil, the apostolate which cares for the temporal needs of fellow-pilgrims, click here.

    How will you participate in Pilgrimage 2012?

    Click here to pre-register for Pilgrimage 2012.

    The dates of Pilgrimage for Restoration 2012 are September 28-30.

    If you’d rather skip pre-registering, and instead submit final registration straight away, here are your options:

    1.  Click here to register yourself or a group for Pilgrimage 2012.

    2. Click here to register your family for more than one day, whether for the ‘modified Pilgrimage’ or walking with the ‘main column’.

    3. Click here to register for Sunday’s events only.

    Wish to sponsor a needy pilgrim, to support the NCCL apostolate, or to participate in pilgrimage from afar? Just click here.

    To volunteer for the Company of St. Rene Goupil, the apostolate which cares for the temporal needs of fellow-pilgrims, click here.